Future Perfect Tense

What is Future Perfect Tense

On this page, you’ll find detailed information about the future perfect tense. We have covered the meaning, rules, structure, and various types of this tense followed by examples to enhance your understanding.

कोई भी घटना या कार्य जो भविष्य में समाप्त हो चुका होगा । इन वाक्यों के अंत में चुका होगा, चुकी होगी, चुके होंगे इत्यादि शब्दों का उपयोग होता है ।

उदाहरण : कुछ वर्षों पश्चात भारत पुनः विश्वगुरु बन चुका होगा । 

Definition :

future perfect tense

  • Future perfect tense is a grammatical tense used to describe actions or events that will be completed before a specific point in the future. 
  • We use the future tense of the verb “to have” (will have) and combine it with the past participle ( third form ) of the main verb. Due to which this construction indicates that the action will be finished at a certain time in the future.

  • “By next year, I will have completed my degree.” (This sentence conveys that the action of completing the degree will be finished by the time next year arrives.)

  • “They will have left for the airport before you arrive.” (Suggests that the action of leaving will be finished before your arrival at a specific future time.)

  • “She will have finished her book by the end of the week.” (Indicates that the book will be completed before the end of the week.)

Rules :

1. Affirmative sentence :

Subject + Helping/ Auxiliary Verb ( Will ) + Have + Third Form of Main Verb + Object

Example : युध आरंभ होने से पहले ही लोग मैदान छोड़ चुके होंगे । - People will have left the ground before the start of the war.

2. Negative sentence :

Subject + Helping/ Auxiliary Verb (Will) + Not + Have + Third Form of Main Verb + Object

Example : तुम शस्त्र चलाना नहीं सीख चुके होंगे।- You will not have learn't the usage of weapons.

3. Interrogative sentence :

Helping/ Auxiliary Verb (Will) + Subject + Have + Third Form of Main Verb + Object

Example : क्या सरोज साइकिल चला चुकी होगी ? - Will Saroj have ridden the bicycle ?

Future Perfect Tense exercise with answers :

Following are the future perfect tense sentences with solutions. These sentences also include future perfect tense in hindi language which helps everyone to practice and master this tense.

1. Affirmative sentence :

2. Negative sentence :

3. Interrogative sentence :

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